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Rathdown School

Mr Alan Cox

Mr Cox is the Head of School and Senior School Principal.

Alan was appointed in 2024.

He undertook his secondary schooling in St Andrew’s College before progressing to Trinity College Dublin where he graduated with a B.A. in Economics and subsequently a H.Dip in Education. He later completed a Masters degree in Educational Leadership and Management.

Alan commenced his teaching career in his alma mater before moving to St Columba’s College where he taught Economics and Maths and served as a boarding housemaster for eleven years. During his time there, he was very involved in sports coaching, including Rugby, Cricket and most notably in Athletics, where for many years he served as Team Manager of the Leinster and Irish Schools teams and several other Irish Junior teams. He was also involved with choirs and directed a number of school plays.

In 2004, Alan accepted the role of Principal of East Glendalough School in Wicklow Town and was very engaged in the development of the School. He met his wife, Jennie, here and they now have a family of five children. In 2014, Alan took up the role of the first Principal of the newly formed Temple Carrig School in Greystones and has spent the last ten years building this school, quite literally from the ground up!

Alan is thrilled to have been appointed to Rathdown School. He is impressed by its heritage and reputation for academic excellence, but is also ambitious to drive the School forwards in terms of exciting new building projects, introducing new Leaving Certificate subjects and Junior Cycle short courses into the curriculum and bringing his experience in sports and the arts to expand the School’s already extensive extra-curricular programme even further.